Wapping High School TeachMeet


Tech for Personalised Learning

Confirmed agenda

5:00 pm - Introductions
5:05 pm - Google classrooms & forms, Tom Dean
5:10 pm - Organising student work with Trello, Kerstyn Comley
5:15 pm - CV+, Lotis Bautista 
5:20 pm - Networking & refreshments
5:40 pm - Into Film, Jane Coulter
5:45 pm - REAL projects, John Bossleman
5:50 pm - Networking & refreshments

Afterwards drinks and chat at the Dog & Truck, Back Church Lane.

What is it?

TeachMeets are informal events for teachers of all phases to share ideas and best practice. There will be 6 mini-presentations of 3 - 5 minutes each, time for networking and or course refreshments.


Open slots

Do you use technology to personalise your students' learning? We'd love to hear from you. Why not volunteer to give a mini-presentation, they are only 2 - 5 minutes long.

Email kerstyncomley@wappinghigh.org to book a slot.

Book your place

Eventbrite booking form

This is our first TeachMeet so places will be limited. Book now to secure your space.


Twitter: @stonerockedu

Email: teachmeet@wappinghigh.org

Tel: 020 71936337


Hosts: Wapping High School, Facilitation: Stonerock Analytics, Collaboration: The Innovation Unit