Reivew of OPEN: How we’ll live and work in the future

‘Open’ is shifting the focus of attention from how we should teach to the best ways to learn.
If ‘open’ tells us anything, it points to a realisation that we have to understand how people learn when they have a choice (in what to learn, who to learn with) and bring that into the places where they are required to learn.
It is not just the speed of technological transformation that will determine how we cope with the changes we’re facing, but the values and actions that we ourselves hold dear.

OPEN: How we’ll live and work in the future. By David Price

If I were Education Secretary… hang on why stop there. When I am Prime Minister, Open by David Price will be compulsory reading for every teacher, parent, employer and employee - so pretty much everyone. This will be ironic because the purpose of the book is to describe the importance of self-directed and self-determined learning and the role social media has to play. Learning at every level is considered, at school, at work and at home. It is an easy and pleasant book to read, full of anecdotes and examples. Price provides an inspiring narrative where his ideas are backed up with proven examples. We learn about surfers in Hawaii, schools in Australia and international companies who have all used ‘Open’ methods to learn more effectively. Price has laid down the framework it is now up to us to implement it.